This is the overarching and underlying issue of our lives — Floods. Fires. Who thought air conditioning would feel essential in Vermont? — and it determines everything else we talk about. Climate change is not about electric vehicles or carbon taxes. Those are just tools in the toolbox. We can’t get hung up on the tools or even the toolbox, because the real mission is to rebuild this engine and we need every option available. When we talk about the economy, about farming, jobs, housing, it’s all tied together. Already the ski industry, tourism, sugaring, dairy farming, migration in and out of the state, housing, and transportation are struggling to adapt to more storms, floods, thaws, heat waves, and droughts.
We need thoughtful proactive solutions to the changing climate and to forge allies in the fight, not shortsighted, wishful thinking that the world as we know it will remain the same. There is no return to good old days before the climate bill came due. We must meet the challenges of now.